11. Antifascism
Nr. 11 A. Germany – all regions
- Sachsen-Anhalt
- Brandenburg
- Norddeutschland (Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns, Schleswig-Holstein….)
- Süddeutschland + Rheinland Pfalz
- Hassen
- Hamburg
- Bremen
- Sachsen
- Niedersachsen
- Thüringen
Nr. 11 B. Antifa
- Nazi murders – in memory of:
- Mete Eksi
- Silvio Meier
- Dieter Eich
- Victims of the NSU
- Nazi murders in Germany – Chronicle
- Antifascist – Antifa Youth Front
Nr. 11 C. Antifa – Berlin
- Anti-nazi mobilizations on May 1
- Berlin-Antifa
- Demos
- Mobilization
- Rallies
- Prevention of nazi marches
- Nazi-parties
- Fascist cadres and leaders, known neo-Nazis
- Nazi stores
- Pubs
- Clothes
- Shops
- Discos
- Meeting paces
Nr. 11 D. Criminalization of the antifascist resistance
- Freedom for criminalized antifas – general
- Freedom for Kurdish+Turkish antifas – Freedom for all accused
- Solidarity with the people in hiding
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