
The Collective Library’s Poster Archive has categorized our posters into political issues and individual topics and filed them numbered consecutively in portfolios and folders. The folders are available for examination and viewing in the library, and can also be borrowed for exhibitions, events and sessions.

So far the Poster Archive has participated in the following exhibitions :

  • June 2010: „Squatting in Berlin“ during a Squatters-Meeting in CSO Laforsa, 41, av. de la Fama, Cornellà de Llobregat, Barcelona
  • September 2011: „30 Years Squatting“ in Jugendwiderstandsmuseum der Galiläa-Kirche, Rigaer Straße 9-10, Berlin
  • May 2015 : „Squatting International“ during the SQEK BCN 2015-Conference, in Ateneu Popular de Nou Barris and Escola de l’IGOP, Barcelona
  • October 2015: „Fighting Huts- Urban protests in Berlin from 1872 to the present in Bethanien-Südflügel, Mariannenplatz 2 B, Berlin
  • October 2019: „History of resistance against the police-congress“ during the  Anti-Prisons Days 2019 in Mehringhof, Gneisenaustr. 2A, Berlin
  • August – October 2020 : Social Struggles in Bethanien and Squatting in Berlin together with the collective Kämpfende Hütten during the exhibition „Porous City – Threshholds in Urbanity in Kunstraum Bethanien, Berlin
  • December 2020 – February 2021: „Squatting Houses anyway! – 30 years Squatting in Eastberlin, in Alte Feuerwache Friedrichshain, Marchlewskistraße 6, Berlin


In the Archive the posters are numbered and categorized in this way:

  1. Anarchy / Autonomous / Radical left

  2. Autonomous, Anarchist, Radical Left Media

  3. Squatting

  4. Gentrification / Urban struggles

  5. Anti-Capitalism

  6. Gender / Feminism / Anti-sexist and anti-patriarchal struggles

  7. Queer / Trans / Inter** / Lesbian / Gay / Bisexual / Asexual

  8. Anti-militarism / Anti-war

  9. Anti-globalisation (summit + protests) / Internationalism / Multi-transnational corporations

  10. May 1st / Revolutionary May 1st /May Day

  11. Antifascism

  12. National Socialism / Antifascist mobilization in connection with nacional socialist history

  13. Nationalism

  14. Anti-racist struggles

  15. Colonialism / Resistance anticolonial

  16. Political prisoners

  17. Jail / Prisions / Resistance

  18. Police (Cops)

  19. Surveillance

  20. Repression

  21. Antirepression / Selforganization and structures

  22. Militant resistance / armed struggle

  23. Art, culture and resistance

  24. History / Education

  25. Anti-Nuclear / Castor

  26. Ecology / Climate / Environment

  27. Europe

  28. Kurdistan – كرديستان : Bakur – Rojava / Turkey

  29. Asia – Maschrek المشرق (Middle East)

  30. Africa

  31. USA / Canada

  32. Abya Yala (South America)

  33. Mexico / Central America / Caribbean

  34. Miscellaneous

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